Markaz Livelihood Mission

About Us
Markazul Ma’arif has been helping poor & helpless persons with necessary tools and machineries to make them able to earn their livelihood.
- Distribution of food items on Special Occasion
- Hand Sewing Machine to differently abled person
- Foot Sewing Machine to the Widows poor
- Helly, Trolley (Thela Gari) to poor
- Bicycle to Hawker
- Carpentry tools
- Weaving Machines
- Rickshaw to poor Rickshaw puller
- Tricycle to physically handicapped person
- E-Rickshaw to poor for livelihood
Glimpses of Livelihood Mission
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Widow Aid, Sewing Machine & Pulling Cart Distribution
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Sewing Machine Distribution 2018-19
Women empowerment is a mission of Markazul Ma’arif since begining. Markaz belives empowering women through education and source of income without compromising their dignity. Markazul Ma’arif established tailoring center to proving training of sewing of cloths. Hundreds of women are geting livelyhood skills under this centers. Not only providing trainings, Markazul Ma’arif provides Sewing Machines […]