Hojai, 16 March: A meeting of Advisiory Board and Organizing Committee of Silver Jubilee Celebration of Markaz Academy (Boys & Girls) held today at the premises of the said school. This meeting was called upon due to the circumstances of Coronavirus and government’s instruction to shut down of mass gatherings. The meeting was chaired by Dr SH Choudhury, Working President and purpose of the meeting narrated by Mr K R Laskar, General Secretary, MMH.

Along with top Markaz officials, many advisory comittee members, who are also leading citizens of Hojai, Teachers and Alumni Representatives attended the meeting. All have stated their views regarding the future of the program. With deep sorrow and heavy heart all the members present over the meeting have given their consent to postpone the event. But almost all the members seem favouring to organise the event on small scale in near future so that the hard work, prepartions and expenditure could not go in vain.
Mr Nurul Hoque, Executive Member, Ajmal group of companies has suggested to publish the relevent reports which are prepared to be published. He also suggested to print the Souvenir. Dr Razi Ahmad Qasmi, HoD, Education, MMH opined that the Organising Committee should host a separate meeting where the zeal & hard works done by the various committee members should be appreciated. People who had provided monetary contribution should be visited by MMH members and let them aware the facts. Also a separate letter should be sent to the guests, invitees and Alumni from the Organising Committee.
Mau Parwez Alom, HoD, Orphanages suggested to host the event with Seeratun Nabi Program in November this year. Both the Principals Mr Hussain Ahmed & Asma H Rashid have supported this propsal by Mau Parwez sahab. HoD, Diniyat Mau Abdul Ghafoor Qasmi and Alumni attended the event also favouring to organise the event in small scale. Mr Helaluddin Ahmed, a social worker also stated his views.